PancakeSwap April's Recap
Chef’s choice

Data Recap


  • Total Volume: $32.9B
  • Average Daily Volume: $1.1B
  • Unique Traders: 2.2M
  • Unique Onsite Users: 3.6M
  • Web3 Wallet — Onsite Users: 88K
  • Web3 Wallet — Average Daily Users: 7.1K
  • Gaming Marketplace - AVG Daily Users: 6.8k


  • Total burned: 44.9M CAKE ($153.3M)
  • Bought back from the market to burn: $5.6M
  • Number of holders: 1,654,853 (MoM 0.88%)
  • Effective CAKE Emission Rate: 1.36 CAKE/Block

*As our emissions and burn data are calculated and grouped by weeks, not months, the statistics above may not one-to-one reflect our “monthly burn”, and only serves as a guideline. For more information on our burns, please refer to our weekly burn post on our social channels.

🍽✅ Served In April

PancakeSwap v4: See How It Empowers Devs & Protocols

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Since PancakeSwap v4 was announced, we've unveiled our commitment to innovation with the launch of Innovative Pools, featuring exciting additions like CLAMM and LBAMM. These new pools are set to elevate trading experiences for our users. Additionally, we're thrilled to introduce fees on unique features, opening up new revenue paths for our platform.

🌱 Wanna join us? Submit your ideas here:

📖 Learn More:

Can't get enough? Check here:

Q2 Roadmap AMA: Interested in what is coming on PancakeSwap?

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April marks the dawn of a new quarter, and with it comes an eagerly anticipated roadmap update! As every quarter, the Kitchen and the Community convened for a live AMA session, offering clarity on all fronts and fostering community engagement.

In case you missed the chit chat round with the Chefs, don’t worry, we got you covered!

Both ways to recap the AMA are available for you to check: 📺Live Version: 📜Text Recap:

April 2024: PancakeSwap's CAKE Burn!

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Turn on the oven! 🔥

April marks the 8th consecutive month of CAKE total supply reduction, with a cumulative -2,575,069 CAKE net mint.

Take a look at April’s burn report here 👉

Can you smell the burned pancakes? 🥞

TWAP and Limit orders are now available on PancakeSwap - powered by ORBS

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We have teamed up with Orbs Network to develop a new feature to level your trading experience.

Say hello to TWAP (Time-Weighted Average Price) and Limit orders, now seamlessly integrated into PancakeSwap's ecosystem on the BNB Chain. This feature spans all DEX liquidity sources and versions (v2, v3 StableSwap, etc.). Moreover, we're planning to extend this feature to multiple chains soon!

Reduce price impact, automate dollar-cost averaging, and take control of your trades.

👉Get started now

ℹ️More Info:

More Trading features! Strike comes with CLAMM Options Trading!


We’re introducing CLAMM Options Trading on PancakeSwap in Collaboration with Stryke Options are derivative contracts that grant buyers the right, without obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined strike price in the future.

You can now trade options, build on-chain options liquidity, earn premiums, and earn swap fees on Arbitrum PancakeSwap.

Try it now 👉

📚Read more:

Gaming Marketplace: Shadow Realms launch!

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🎮 Enter the realm of legends with the launch of Shadow Realms on PancakeSwap's Gaming Marketplace, developed by ChainZ studios.

🌐Transact your in-game currency on BNB Chain, Polygon zkEVM, zkSync Era, Arbitrum One, and Base!

Start Playing now! 👉

🕹️Shadow Realms is part of our expanding and robust Gaming Marketplace, where all users can seamlessly play and have fun, while staying within the crypto ecosystem like pros.

Aperture brings Automate LP to the Kitchen!

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We are thrilled to announce the integration between PancakeSwap and Aperture Finance to automate LP management.

With this integration, users can leverage AI-powered intent-based LP management tools to optimize liquidity provision on PancakeSwap v3 pools across Ethereum and BNB Chain.

Users can effortlessly automate their PancakeSwap liquidity positions (LPs), optimizing capital efficiency and minimizing the complexities associated with manual management. To celebrate the launch, there will be an APTR airdrop for PancakeSwap users; read on to learn more.

There is also an airdrop coming to all the users who interact with Aperture Finance!

🪂 Join the INTENTional Campaign for the $APTR airdrop 👇

Purple has always been a known color for PancakeSwap!

🤝PancakeSwap is coming to Monad Monad.jpg

Industry-leading low trading fees, juicy yield farming, and everyone's favorite IFO.

With v4, expect gas savings and custom pool types, all on Monad's lightning-fast platform Not much more leaks for now. Stay tuned!!!

veCAKE is now on opBNB

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📄 veCAKE Gauges are now live on opBNB!

With the inclusion of opBNB, the current Trading Allocation emission of ~100 CAKE/day directed towards opBNB Farms will be added to veCAKE emissions.

As voted for previously, the Kitchen will retain a 40% voting share of total veCAKE votes currently allocated to the gauges system to vote for core pairs, such as USDT-BNB on opBNB.

This is to maintain the liquidity depth and volumes of these core pairs, which contribute significantly to CAKE buyback-and-burn.

Redirecting Emissions to Locker Protocols

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🗳️During April, we presented a proposal to the community regarding reallocating CAKE emissions to the veCAKE locker ecosystem.

🌍After the proposal was approved, we're now strategically deploying bribes across CakePie, StakeDAO, & Hidden Hand to enhance liquidity in these pools: BNB-USDT, USDT-BNB, CAKE-BNB, & CAKE-USDT.

🙌 This strategic move aims to boost liquidity and drive efficiency without increasing overall emissions.

If you wanna check the full proposal, you can do it here: Thank you for your support in this decision!

Arbitrum LTIPP application approved

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Thank you for your vote. Let’s grow on Arbitrum together 💙🧡

We will distribute: 💙330k ARB to our top performing V3 pools 💙60k ARB to boost our Prediction product 💙60k ARB to incentivize our options product with Stryke

💬Read more:

New Farms


New Pools


Still Cooking - Coming Soon:

Calling for community testers! - Be part of something awesome

If case you missed it, on May 1st, we posted this tweet:

We're preparing to unveil an exciting new feature and want you to join the journey!

We're seeking enthusiastic community members to beta test our upcoming product. Your insights will be invaluable as we fine-tune performance, fix bugs, and gather feedback!

✍️ If you're eager to get involved, sign up here to register your interest:

Multichain Prediction, expanding the fun to more horizons!

🔮 PancakeSwap's prediction game is designed to test your price prediction skills 🎯

Now deployed on Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum, our goal is to expand the prediction universe to more blockchains!

While we continue working on it, you can start playing right away! 👉

Still hungry?

Join us on Twitter , Telegram, in our Discord server, or in our growing Reddit community!

Bon appétit!

The Chef's 🐰🥞

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