How to migrate to v3

PancakeSwap v3 has launched! If you're a user of v2, it's important to learn how to transfer your trades to v3. Take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the process to continue using PancakeSwap without interruption.

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Step 1: Look for the V3 migration banner on the Liquidity or Farm page

Step 2: click "Proceed" to enter the migration helper page

Next, See how to Unstake from V2 and/or StableSwap farms:

Step 1: Click each "Unstake All" button to unstake all staked LP tokens from farms

Step 2: Remove liquidity from Exchange V2 or StableSwap:

Step 3: Click each "Remove" button to bring up the remove liquidity modal

Step 4: Click "Enable", sign the transaction in your wallet, and click "Remove"

You are all set for v3!

V3 Migration FAQ:

Q: Is there a deadline for the migration?

No. You can unstake from V2 farms and remove liquidity from V2 at any time. However, Chefs will slowly migrate the CAKE reward emissions from those selected V2 farms to their corresponding V3 farms. To continue earning CAKE rewards. We recommend completing the migrations as early as possible.

You can watch our video guide about v3 migration:

Q: When can I start migrating?

If you are reading this, the migration is likely started already. Visit [] for more details

Q: Why can't I find the pair I'm staking?

Some V2 farms and liquidity will continue to operate alongside V3. If your staked farms aren't in "Step 1", they don't need to be migrated at the moment. If your V2 liquidity positions aren't in "Step 2", they don't need to be migrated at the moment. To manually migrate your farm stakings and liquidity? We answer in the next Q!

Q: Can I manually migrate my farm stakings or liquidity without using the migration helper?


To unstake LP tokens from V2 farms, visit the "Farms" page and search for farms with the "V2" tag. Use the "Staked only" toggle to filter currently staked farms.

Remove V2 liquidity by going to the "Liquidity" page and searching for positions with the "V2" tag. Use the V2 tab to filter only V2 positions.

To add liquidity to V3 and stake LP positions in V3, follow standard V3 procedures.

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