AMA with Stargaze

Hello CAKE holders! 🥞

We held an AMA with Starty and Ruwan from the Stargaze team to get to know the project more! If you missed participating in the AMA, read this article and learn about their project!

Opening Words from Stargaze

Hi, we are the Stargaze team. We are located worldwide in the USA, Canada, Netherlands, Brazil, France, Guatemala, Dubai, Hong Kong, and more.

Stargaze is a decentralized, community-owned NFT app-chain built on the Cosmos SDK. It provides a scalable and secure environment for creating, trading, and collecting NFTs, deploying Cosmwasm contracts, and offering features like no-code solutions for project launches and a vibrant community. Stargaze supports interoperability with other blockchains through IBC, Axelar, and Picasso, it also pioneered interchain NFT transfer through ICS-721.

Let’s begin with the Questions!

[Q1]: What are the key aspects of Stargaze that differentiate it from the others?

Answer: The main differentiators of Stargaze are: Zero Gas Community-Owned Fair Burn Real Yield Strong focus on UI/UX to ensure the best user experience

Stargaze is designed to empower creators, traders, and developers. It enforces royalties on-chain and offers real yield to stakers. Stargaze's permissionless Launchpad and Marketplace hosts top collections like Bad Kids and Celestine Sloths.

[Q2]: What do you mean by Fair Burn and Real Yield?

Answer: Fair Burn is a mechanic that has been in place on Stargaze since its inception, Genesis Mint. Every fee collected on Stargaze undergoes Fair Burn, which involves burning 50% of the STARS and returning the remaining 50% to stakers. As Stargaze is used more and generates fees, stakers receive more rewards, completing the full cycle.

The Real Yield is the 50% of the Fair Burn returned to stakers, currently amounting to a 4% APR.

[Q3]: How do projects get featured on Stargaze?

Answer: Being featured on Launchpad comes with many advantages, such as visibility on the homepage for one week, social media marketing and launch support, and a higher likelihood of minting out. Projects can be featured through three different methods: auction, team pick, or community vote.

Auction - Each week, an auction is held on Stargaze for a featured spot NFT. The winner of this auction launches two weeks after the auction ends.

Team Pick - Projects can apply to the Stargaze curation team to be featured by submitting an application at Stargaze Launchpad Application.

Community Vote - Compete alongside other projects in a popular vote to win a Launchpad spot.

[Q4]: What’s the advantage of using Stargaze to trade NFTs?

Answer: Stargaze has Zero Gas for NFT transactions.

You can buy an NFT with other tokens, with our one-click buy.

Transactions happen within seconds.

Create an auction for your NFT with the token you want.

Create NFT liquidity pools and get revenue for every trade.

[Q5]: What’s the best way to learn more about Stargaze and its community?

Answer: The best way to learn about Stargaze is through our social media accounts.

You can find us on Twitter/X: , Telegram: , and Discord: .

If you are looking for specific information about Stargaze, you can access our docs page at . Join us on Spaces (X) every week, Creators Chat (Thursday), and Art Spaces (Friday) as well as # FreshMintFriday by our Ambassadors.

Live Q&A Session

Q1: What have been the tangible impacts of CosmWasm Developer Royalties on the ecosystem of applications built on Stargaze?

Answer: Having Developer Royalties on-chain means developers are incentivized to deploy their contracts on Stargaze, and start earning revenue through it. Open Edition minter for example was created by RaccoonSupply and is one of the most popular forms of launching a collection on Stargaze. Another great example is Loans and Raffles contract by AtlasDAO, used by many from the Stargaze community

Q2: With support for Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) and being pioneers of the ICS-721 Interchain NFT transfer standard, how does Stargaze facilitate seamless interoperability between different blockchains and enable the frictionless transfer of NFT assets across diverse networks?

Answer:Stargaze provides a seamless experience to the user, abstracting the complexity of multiple transactions into 1 click buy for example, where you can buy an NFT from different tokens in different chains with just one click. It also welcomes NFTs transferred from other chains through ICS-721 (Interchain NFTs), from collections within the Cosmos Ecosystem. We are also working towards enabling NFT transfers from ETH and other EVM chains with Union.

Q3: Collaborations and partnerships are some of the most important cornerstones to help improve adoption. Can you tell us about your current partners, plans for partnerships and what everybody stands to gain from these partnership?

Answer: For Interchain NFTs, we partnered with Ark Protocol, and work closely with the NFT projects that want to bridge to Stargaze to make it possible.

Union Laps is another great partner of ours, that will allow ETH and other EVM chains NFT transfers to be possible.

The plan ahead is to expand beyond, and Celestia ($TIA) will be crucial for our plans on Marketplace v2 Stargaze was also the first protocol to receive a Community loan from Osmosis for its Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool.

Interested parties can contact about partnerships through this form:

Q4: What kind of support and documentation does Stargaze provide for NFT creators and users?

Answer: Stargaze offers a no-code solution called Stargaze Studio , enabling creators to launch their projects easily within minutes. Even without prior development experience, anyone can deploy a collection using Stargaze Studio. Additionally, Stargaze provides dedicated support for creators on Discord,

For users, our documentation page,, answers the most common questions. If you have any issues or questions, you are welcome to join our Discord and open a ticket. The Stargaze team is always open to feedback,

Q5: Does Stargaze have any plans to implement cross-chain interoperability for NFTs?

Answer: Stargaze already offers cross-chain interoperability, called Interchain NFTs. Collections are able to migrate between Cosmos chains, thanks to ICS721 Team (ArkProtocol). In the future, it will also be possible to migrate collections from ETH/ other EVM chains as well.

Stargaze Quiz!!

The Stargaze team prepared a few questions in a form. Users had to fill their public wallet address (not your private keys), Answers and Telegram/Discord username. Some lucky users who answered all correct have received a reward!

If you want to participate in this kind of events, follow up in our social channels to find out when the next AMA will be!

Final Words from Stargaze

That’s all from AMA! It was a very informative Q & A session.

Keep an eye on our socials to don't lose any of this events!

The Chefs 🐰

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