Join the OORT Trading Competition on PancakeSwap to win $50,000

GM, PancakeSwap Community!

We are excited to announce an exhilarating trading competition in collaboration with OORT. Trade OORT tokens on BNB Chain PancakeSwap and share a total reward pool of $50,000. This competition offers multiple winning ways, including guaranteed rewards, leaderboard prizes, and daily lucky draw rewards. Dive into the action and seize your chance to win!

Campaign Details:

How to participate and win?

1. Part 1: Guaranteed Rewards ($25,000)

Trade a minimum cumulative volume of $100 in OORT tokens to share a guaranteed reward pool of $25,000. All eligible participants will share an equal pool, each earning a maximum of $50.

Example Calculation:

If 1000 participants trade at least $100:

  1. Each participant shares the reward pool equally.
  2. Total Rewards = $25,000 / 100 participants = $25 per participant

Swap OORT on BNB Chain PancakeSwap:

Part 2: Top Trader Leaderboard ($20,000)

Top the leaderboard and share a $20,000 reward pool based on your cumulative trading volume. The higher your trading volume, the better your rank and reward. Keep trading to aim for the top spot on the leaderboard. The top 200 traders based on trading volume will receive rewards as follows:

Rank 1: $4,000

Rank 2: $3,000

Rank 3: $1,500

Ranks 4-5: $750 each

Ranks 6-10: $400 each

Ranks 11-20: $200 each

Ranks 21-50: $100 each

Ranks 51-100: $40 each

Ranks 101-200: $10 each

Check out the leaderboard here:

Part 3: Daily Lucky Draw Rewards ($5,000)

Every day, two lucky traders will each win $100 by trading a minimum cumulative volume of $100. A total of $5,000 will be distributed through these daily lucky draws, with 2 winners selected each day over the course of 25 days, resulting in a total of 50 winners.

About OORT:

OORT is a decentralized, verifiable cloud computing platform. Utilizing global resources from data centers to smartphones aims to enable trustworthy AI applications for humanity. Read more about OORT:

Terms and Conditions:

  • Trading volume includes both buy and sell volume.

  • You can make multiple trades to reach the required volume; your total cumulative volume will be considered for the leaderboard. Each swap volume will count.

  • Rewards will be distributed within two weeks after the campaign ends.

  • Your minimum cumulative trading volume should be $100 to qualify for rewards.

  • All rewards will be distributed in OORT tokens on the BNB Chain. The number of tokens and the price for conversion from USD will be determined at the time of distribution.

Disclaimer: This campaign is not an endorsement of any specific coin. Please trade cautiously.

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